Zen Water Systems Alkaline Water Filter
The Zen Water Systems filter performed extremely well, removing 99% or better of most toxic elements.

The Zen Water System uses a 5-stage see-through filter element that also alkalizes the water by adding trace minerals after filtration.

The unit was easy to assemble and worked reliably. I found just two drawbacks to the unit: 1) The see-through construction allows light to provide photosynthesis energy to algae, so if water is left in the unit for a long period of time, algae may begin to grow. (It's not harmful, but might be unsightly.) 2) The unit is made primarily of resins, not stainless steel, so the long-term durability of the unit is likely not be as good as a stainless steel unit. On the positive side, however, the Zen Water Systems filter looks more visually appealing and less like a piece of survival hardware, making it a potentially better choice for offices, kitchens or healing practices.

Reduction of elements by Zen Water Systems:

Aluminum: 89.6%
Copper: 99.9%
Arsenic: 99.5%
Strontium: 90.9%
Cadmium: 99.1%
Cesium: 94.2%
Mercury: 99.4%
Lead: 99.9%
Uranium: 99.8%


When it comes to reliable removal of toxic elements such as lead, cadmium, arsenic and even uranium, the Zen Water Systems filter is one of the best performers available today. Its unique styling and see-through filter elements makes it more appealing in environments where "survival hardware" may not be the best choice.

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